[提要] 当T2DM进展到一定程度,需启用胰岛素治疗。基础和预混胰岛素是常用的胰岛素类型。短期和长期的临床研究均证实,采用预混或基础胰岛素起始胰岛素治疗均可有效改善血糖,达到相类似的临床效果。临床试验证明,预混胰岛素强化治疗方案和基础餐时治疗方案疗效相当。在临床治疗方案的选择上,应重视个体化治疗,选择符合患者临床特点的治疗方案。
[关键词]糖尿病,2型;预混胰岛素;基础胰岛素; 个体化治疗,临床试验
[Summary] Insulin therapy needs to be initiated when type 2 diabetes progresses. Basal and premix insulin are the commonly used insulin formulations. Short- and long- term clinical studies have demonstrated that treatment with basal or premix insulin as insulin initiation can similarly effectively improve glycaemic control. In addition, clinical researches have shown that the therapeutic effect of theintensification treatment with basal or premix insulin was comparable. The individualized treatment that is customised with the clinical characteristics of the patientsis important when considering the anti-diabetic therapies.
[Key words] Diabetes mellitus, type 2 ; Premixed insulin ;Basal insulin; Individualized therapy; Clinical trial.